Selected exhibitions, interviews and publications.
Interview in Kunzt by art historian Silje Sigurdsen. Kunzt is an award winning Scandinavian Art TV. 2021.
Fra balkongen, Stavanger Kunstmuseum, 2020.
Stavanger Aftenblad. Art review of the exhibition “Devour” at gallery Ellingsen Von Krogh, Stavanger. By art critic Trond Borgen. August 2020.
Devour, Ellingsen Von Krogh, 2020.
Magasinet/Dagbladet. “Svaleperspektiv”. June, 2019.
Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, 2019.
Official opening of the National Art Exhibition (Høstutstillingen) at Kunstnernes hus, Oslo. Portrait of Christopher Jonassen and Trine Skei Grande, The Minister of Culture in Norway. Works bought by Oslo kommune art collection. (Installation photo: Vegard Kleven)
National Geographic, 2019.
Vessels, Fotografiens Hus, 2019.
Stavanger Kommunes kulturstipend, 2018.
Christopher Jonassen is awarded the City of Stavanger’s stipend for Visual Art, handed by The Minister of Culture in Norway - Trine Skei Grande, and The Mayor of Stavanger - Christine Sagen Helgø. Seremony held at Ledaal, the King’s official residence in Stavanger.
Vessels, 2018. Photobook. Hardcover, 156 pages.
“Using a voyeuristic approach, Jonassen succeeds in creating a sense of intimacy in Vessels... By treating ordinary phenomena as significant carriers of meaning, layers of mundanity are carefully peeled away, until a type of essence of our behaviour or nature remains. ”
Exhibition opening, Vessels, Skur 2, 2018.
Official opening speeches by director of MUST, Siri Avitsland, Manager of Tall Ships Races Stavanger, Knud Helge Robberstad, and curator Karin Sunderø. Followed by a performance by the Stavanger ship masters chanty choir.
Vessels, Skur 2, 2018.
Book launch at cafe KOKKO. Organized by Grafill Stavanger.
Artist catalogue, Atelierhuset Tou Scene, 2018.
Atelierhuset Tou Scene is a studio and project space for professional artists. Jonassen has been a resident since its opening in 2015.
“Devour offers a rare, unexpected form of poetry for the eye.”
“A badge of honour, indeed.”
100 Norwegian Photographers.
Featured on the project 100 Norwegian Photographers- 100 days, Kurated by Ina Otzko. Resource and archive for contemporary Norwegian photography.
“A real visionary.”
“Jonassen has discovered an important message within an important message, within a beautiful concept.”