Christopher Jonassen is a camera based artist living in Stavanger, Norway. He is a part of the professional art space Tou Atelierhus. Through his photo projects he has gained wide press coverage and participated in numerous exhibitions. 

His projects are published in TIME Lightbox, National Geographic online, The Independent on sunday, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Kunst, Magasinet Fotografi,, Stavanger Aftenblad, Rogalands Avis, A-magasinet, NASAs twitter feed, and more.

Exhibitions include Høstutstillingen (Kunstnernes Hus), Vestlandsutstillingen, Stavanger kunstmuseum, Rogaland kunstsenter, Fotografiens hus, Ellingsen Von Krogh, Skur 2, Tou Scene, Preus fotomuseum, and more.

Works are included in the permanent collections of Oslo kommunes kunstsamling and Equinor art programme.

Member of: Forbundet Frie Fotografer (FFF), Bildende kunstneres forening Rogaland (BKF-R), Norske billedkunstnere (NBK) and Grafill.


“Devour offers a rare, unexpected form of poetry for the eye.”

— Myles Little, TIME Magazine

“A badge of honour, indeed.”

— Robert Epstein, The Independent

“Jonassen has discovered an important message within an important message, within a beautiful concept”

— Alice Brace, Tribu Magazine

“A real visionary.”

— Ivy Mate, PST Magazine